Confirmation 7
Requirements for 2024-2025
In Person Sessions
Youth will attend Confirmation sessions approximately twice per month beginning in October - January. We will meet following the 10AM Mass on Sundays.
Youth will attend Confirmation sessions approximately twice per month beginning in October - January. We will meet following the 10AM Mass on Sundays.
Saint Project / Confirmation Name
Each candidate is to choose 3 saints to learn about. You will then choose one of them to be your sponsor name. Your confirmation name should be a reflection of who you would like to imitate in your life. Choose someone who inspires you. Your saint might share a name with a relative you are close to. Use this chance to think about what you hope you will receive from the Sacrament of Confirmation and how you hope to live as a Confirmed Catholic.
Saint 1
Saint 2
Saint 3
Confirmation Name
Each candidate is to choose 3 saints to learn about. You will then choose one of them to be your sponsor name. Your confirmation name should be a reflection of who you would like to imitate in your life. Choose someone who inspires you. Your saint might share a name with a relative you are close to. Use this chance to think about what you hope you will receive from the Sacrament of Confirmation and how you hope to live as a Confirmed Catholic.
Saint 1
Saint 2
Saint 3
Confirmation Name
Confirmation Sponsor form and certificate
This is not due until the fall of your 8th grade, but if you know who your sponsor will be, you can go ahead and let us know. Each sponsor must obtain a certificate of eligibility from their parish. If the sponsor is a St. Charles parishioner, Monsignor will give you a certificate after any Mass on the weekends.
This is not due until the fall of your 8th grade, but if you know who your sponsor will be, you can go ahead and let us know. Each sponsor must obtain a certificate of eligibility from their parish. If the sponsor is a St. Charles parishioner, Monsignor will give you a certificate after any Mass on the weekends.
Mass Reflections
During February/March you are required to attend Mass weekly and submit an online weekly reflection.
February 2, 2025 reflection form
February 9, 2025 reflection form
During February/March you are required to attend Mass weekly and submit an online weekly reflection.
February 2, 2025 reflection form
February 9, 2025 reflection form