Saint Project
Choosing Your Confirmation Name
Choosing a saint name is an important part of preparation for Confirmation. In the Bible, a person’s name was changed to signify their new role or their new mission. For example, Abram became Abraham (Genesis 17:5), Sarai became Sarah (Genesis 17:15), Simon became Peter (Matthew 16:18) and Saul became Paul (Acts 13:9). Choosing a Confirmation name acknowledges that the Holy Spirit will change you through the grace of this Sacrament.
When choosing a saint, try to choose someone who exemplifies a quality that you would like to grow in or somebody whose life you want to emulate, or somebody you have something in common with or maybe someone you share a birthday with. As you prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, you can pray to this saint for guidance and help. This saint will then become your patron saint for the rest of your life.
If you are a musically inclined, you might select St. Cecilia, the patroness of musicians and singers. If you love science, you might choose St. Albert the Great. There are thousands of saints that are acknowledged for a wide variety of reasons
Your assignment is to research at least 3 saints that you are interested in learning more about. Use the form below to answer questions about each saint. You may not be able to answer every question on the worksheet for every saint, but find out as much as you can.
A good online resource you can use is There are many other sites with good information available also, but make sure you use a catholic site. This project should be completed at home with the help of your sponsor or parents. You will turn in all of your research.
After completing your research, your next assignment is to choose ONE of the three saints you learned about for your confirmation saint name. When choosing, consider these questions: Is there a particular saint you relate to? What do you enjoy? (example: animals – St. Francis of Assisi); What talent has God gifted you with? (example: art – St Catherine of Bologna); What qualities do you value most? (honesty – St. Teresa of Avila). Make sure to ask God to help you choose a saint to whom you can relate and learn; a saint that you would like to have praying for you for the rest of your life.
Once you’ve chosen your confirmation saint, complete the CONFIRMATION SAINT form.
When choosing a saint, try to choose someone who exemplifies a quality that you would like to grow in or somebody whose life you want to emulate, or somebody you have something in common with or maybe someone you share a birthday with. As you prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, you can pray to this saint for guidance and help. This saint will then become your patron saint for the rest of your life.
If you are a musically inclined, you might select St. Cecilia, the patroness of musicians and singers. If you love science, you might choose St. Albert the Great. There are thousands of saints that are acknowledged for a wide variety of reasons
Your assignment is to research at least 3 saints that you are interested in learning more about. Use the form below to answer questions about each saint. You may not be able to answer every question on the worksheet for every saint, but find out as much as you can.
A good online resource you can use is There are many other sites with good information available also, but make sure you use a catholic site. This project should be completed at home with the help of your sponsor or parents. You will turn in all of your research.
After completing your research, your next assignment is to choose ONE of the three saints you learned about for your confirmation saint name. When choosing, consider these questions: Is there a particular saint you relate to? What do you enjoy? (example: animals – St. Francis of Assisi); What talent has God gifted you with? (example: art – St Catherine of Bologna); What qualities do you value most? (honesty – St. Teresa of Avila). Make sure to ask God to help you choose a saint to whom you can relate and learn; a saint that you would like to have praying for you for the rest of your life.
Once you’ve chosen your confirmation saint, complete the CONFIRMATION SAINT form.